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Message de : Varnan Films. posé le 30/08
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Tips To Use Whiteboard Animation Videos For Effective E-Learning 
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You must have watched that aberrant scene in the movie “3 Idiots”, where Rancho, Raju, Farhan along with their batch mates assist Mona in her delivery. Unfortunately, for the heavy rain, they didn’t have Piya by their side who is a doctor. Then how did Rancho manage to deliver the child? It was through innovation, will power and the tool of animation! Remember, when Rancho wasn’t able to understand the functioning of the vacuum cup, which was very much needed as Mona was tired, Piya showed him the animation video related to the same. Although we can’t guarantee that it was the animation video that led to the successful delivery, it was definitely a pivotal part of the entire process. The video made Rancho grasp the concept quickly, and he implemented it with full potential. That is the backbone of learning in today’s new normal, i.e., E-Learning. If you are someone who wants to empower your audience through e-learning, then this is the article for you! Read along, as we spill the secret of manipulating this awesome tool in a way that it stands more effective!! Click below to read the rest of the article.  


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